Welcome to MSM Business Interruption Calculator

MSM provide Independent pre loss advice in conjunction with your broker. MSM has experience across thousands of claims and has seen those programmes that fully respond and those that fall short. The key point of differentiation is that MSM provides an independent perspective.

To assist the insurance and business communities, we have built this business interruption calculator. To get access, please click the button below.

MSM provides independent pre-loss advice in conjunction with your Broker on:

Computation of Declared Values for Gross Profit including Payroll Cover (DVGP)

MSM’s services can vary in scope from conducting simple calculations of Declared Values for Gross Profit (DVGP) and Payroll Cover through to a Business Impact Analysis based on a scenario where critical assets or critical locations are lost. The scope of these reviews can be varied to suit individual client requirements.

Advice on Policy Wording, Policy Interpretation and Response

MSM can review the adequacy of Policy Wordings through building scenarios that test the adequacy of the Policy response in the event of a hypothetical (Insured) Peril. The outcomes of these scenarios can then be reviewed with your broker and where appropriate, the Policy Working and Policy Wording amended.

Review of Limits of Liability and Sub-Limits

Review of Limits and Sub-Limits across the Policy provide an independent view that the level of cover is adequate. MSM can provide scenarios to test the maximum probable loss against the limits in the Policy as well as comment on the sub-limits for additional Increased Cost of Workings or dependencies on customers, suppliers and utilities.

Indemnity Period Reviews

Ensuring the appropriate period of cover is critical. Using their Business Impact Analysis models, MSM can provide input to determine the appropriate indemnity period based on their claims and industry expertise.

There are many elements to consider when addressing the adequacy of Indemnity Periods from securing the site, statutory enquiries, demolition and site clearance, regulatory approval processes, order and delivery of new equipment, rebuild, commissioning and regaining lost market share.

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